Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Joy of Jesus is The Holy (Week) Spirit

When everything seems to go wrong who can you trust and why? This question strikes at the heart of all trouble we see people falling into today.

Everyday we see our so called celebraties having major problems in their relationships. fighting over homes, money and children. Have you ever wonder why?

Before they crucified Jesus on the cross for our sins, He promise that there would be another to come and comfort us in His resurrection. The Holy Spirit of all truth.

Peter spoke to a crowd a such a strong wind appeared and everyone began to praise God together in their own language, yet everyone present could understand the other as well.

The Joy of Jesus is The Holy Spirit of all truth. It will solve all problems. It will lead, guide and direct you to the light of God on Christ Jesus.

Let us pray for The Power of The Holy Spirit to touch our hearts and souls to move in the light of The Lord. The Holy Spirit will do as God intended it to do. We praise God for the gift of The holy spirit in Jesus name.

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