Thursday, April 26, 2012

Our Daily Bread

Our Daily Bread:

True Religion

April 26, 2012

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Our Daily Bread is hosted by Les Lamborn
Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. —James 1:27
I recently saw an ad for a brand of clothing geared toward youth. It consists of blue jeans and all the accessories designed to go with them. There is nothing novel about that. What got my attention, however, was the name of this clothing line. It is called “True Religion.” That caused me to stop and think. Why was that name chosen? Am I missing some deeper significance? What is the connection between a brand of jeans and true religion? What do they mean by it? My musings left me with questions for which I had no answers.
I am thankful that the book of James is clear when describing true religion or true faith: “Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world” (1:27). That is refreshing. “True religion”—genuine faith—is an expression of how we relate to our God. One evidence of our new identity in Christ is the way we care for one another—reaching to the most frail and vulnerable among us, to those most in need of help.
True religion is not a garment to be taken on and off. It is a lofty challenge about how we live before a holy God and others. —Bill Crowder
True religion is to know
The love that Christ imparts;
True religion is to show
His love to burdened hearts. — D. De Haan
You don’t advertise your religion by wearing a label— you do it by living a life.

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At One with God Dr.James A. Lee

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I am one with the harmonizing love of God.
When I think of the word harmony, I think of God, for all harmony is of God. It's found in the ebb and flow of the ocean, a gentle breeze blowing through the trees, the rhythmic beating of my heart. The harmony of God is seen in the movement of a ballet dancer, the colors of a rainbow, the vast expanse of stars in the sky.
If I feel situations in my life are less than harmonious, I remember the harmony of God is "through all and in all." I think beyond any situation I am concerned about and remember the harmony of God is at work in everything I see, everything I do, and everything I experience. I relax in an awareness of divine love and feel harmony envelop me and fill my world with peace.
One God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all.--Ephesians 4:

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Road to Jesus Dr. James A. Lee

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Confident and assured, I trust my inner guidance.
Traffic signs such as "Stop," "Yield" and "Railroad Crossing" give instructions to help us navigate the road. But divine guidance comes from within. It emerges as a feeling, an instinct, a repeating thought or an impression. Inner guidance may come in a slow dawning of awareness or in a flash of insight.
To access divine guidance, I become a spiritual observer. I notice the world around me and within me. Through centering prayer and mindfulness, I gain a deep understanding, a sense of assurance that brings me peace. With gratitude and positive anticipation, I follow my inner guidance.
I will lead the blind by a road they do not know, by paths they have not known I will guide them. --Isaiah 42:16

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Christian Living - A Christians Life Dr James A Lee Christian Living - A Christians Life Dr James A Lee

A Christians Life Dr James A Lee
by Dr.James A. Lee
For Sale
Author requests article critique



Have you ever looked deep into your life and asked the question: Am I living like Jesus would like me to live? Often one can faced with a number of choices that appear to be outrageous? Sure some choices are fun i.e., what ice-cream to eat. However, the real choices in life boil down down to follow Jesus or have it your way.

Most people try to do the right thing, at the right time, for the right reasons. This can be a challenge in a number of given circumstances. Often ,the timing is just bad, or the place may not be what one would desire. Could you imagine what Jesus experienced? Jesus was offered all the power of the world by Satan at His weakest moment of starvation? Yet, Jesus choose The Word of God. This must be a lesson to us.

In closing, we are faced with one big choice today: to walk with Jesus or to do our thing. Jesus choose the cross to save us from the power of sin. god raised Jesus on the third day with all power, honor, and glory. Sure, people may have the best of everything. However, without Jesus it is all but dust in the wind at the end of the journey. That is why Dr. James A. Lee will follow Jesus.

100% God Dr. James A. Lee

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I give thanks for the perfection of God that lives in me.
When parents see their newborn baby, they see perfection. Any conceivable blemish is overlooked, for they are seeing through the eyes of love. They see only the perfection of God's creation, wondrously made.
God's perfection is integral to my world. I perceive it more clearly as I look at the people and situations in my life through the eyes of love. Doubts fall away as I focus my thoughts now on the perfection of God expressing. This perfection is atwork in my life and in the lives of my loved ones as a guiding light, a healing presence, an all-encompassing grace.
I give thanks for God's perfection and for the many perfect blessings I experience each day.
Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.--Matthew 5:48

Monday, April 23, 2012

God is in Control Dr. James A. Lee

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Attuned to divine order, I trust that all is well.
When I affirm "divine order," I am doing more than just uttering two words. I am attuning myself to the principle of God expressing as wisdom, intelligence and harmony in and through me. Divine order brings all aspects of my life and affairs into right relationship.
Affirming divine order, I surrender the need to know how a problem will resolve. I trust in the assurance of God's love and supply, which fulfills all my needs. As I let go of control, doors of opportunity open to me and resources come into view.
No matter what the circumstances, I align with divine order and trust that everything is unfolding perfectly.
You gave your good Spirit to instruct them.... Forty years you sustained them in the wilderness so that they lacked nothing.--Nehemiah 9:20, 21

Sunday, April 22, 2012

A Huge Blessing

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I am in awe of Earth's bountiful blessings.
God's loving Spirit permeates every atom of creation. Today I open my eyes and ears to behold the boundless variety and beauty of nature: a snowflake, a grain of sand, a glacier; a fawn, a fish, a colorful chameleon; the loud clap of thunder, the rhythmic lap of a wave against the shore, the inspiring sight of an eagle in flight.
From the tiniest seed of potential to a tall stand of trees stretching up to the heavens, our blessed earth reveals the infinite expression of Spirit. Today I breathe in the blessings of this wondrous planet. A deep appreciation of all life surges from within as I consider that God is within me and God is everywhere present. The love and life of God are abudantly on display, and I am grateful.
Then he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain and the earth yielded its harvest.--James 5:18

The Grace of God

The boundless mercy of our Redeemer! (anonymous) LISTEN to Audio! Download Audio "The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger ...