Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Christian Living - A Christians Life Dr James A Lee

FaithWriters.com-Christian Christian Living - A Christians Life Dr James A Lee

A Christians Life Dr James A Lee
by Dr.James A. Lee
For Sale
Author requests article critique



Have you ever looked deep into your life and asked the question: Am I living like Jesus would like me to live? Often one can faced with a number of choices that appear to be outrageous? Sure some choices are fun i.e., what ice-cream to eat. However, the real choices in life boil down down to follow Jesus or have it your way.

Most people try to do the right thing, at the right time, for the right reasons. This can be a challenge in a number of given circumstances. Often ,the timing is just bad, or the place may not be what one would desire. Could you imagine what Jesus experienced? Jesus was offered all the power of the world by Satan at His weakest moment of starvation? Yet, Jesus choose The Word of God. This must be a lesson to us.

In closing, we are faced with one big choice today: to walk with Jesus or to do our thing. Jesus choose the cross to save us from the power of sin. god raised Jesus on the third day with all power, honor, and glory. Sure, people may have the best of everything. However, without Jesus it is all but dust in the wind at the end of the journey. That is why Dr. James A. Lee will follow Jesus.

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