Showing posts with label taffic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label taffic. Show all posts

Monday, November 30, 2009

Prayer Time

Dear God our Father,

We pray today for the Will of God to lead,guide, and direct our lives in perfect order..

We submit to Thy Power and confess and repent of all sin.

We forgive all in the name of Jesus.

We pray for all people for all reasons. We pray for love to touch our hearts and souls in every way possible. Fill our cups and let them overflow with blessings and love so that we may share your word.

Praise and God and Thank God for all and each spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus. Lord do bless this ministry for an increase. Send your helpers by way of the Holy Spirit in Christ Jesus to lift Him Up Today.

Glory to God in The Highest and Peace on Earth. We ask in Jesus name A-men.

Oh Lord: Bless the children, homeless,the jobless, the poor, sick and elderly and give us peace in the valley. A-men

Friday, October 16, 2009

What is a Prayer Partner?

The Joy of Jesus is working hard to find prayer partners to save the world. This sounds nearly impossible, yet our faith tell us we can do all things through Christ Jesus. The real question is ,what is a prayer partner? The following may add some light on this subject, as we pray for you, to pray with us:

Touching Heaven, Changing Earth!

Did you know through prayer, it literally can change everything in the world. There are two types of prayers and those that pray. There are passive prayers and aggressive prayers. Not familiar with the two? Aggressive prayer seeks His presence and His will to be done in all things. Does not sound aggressive? It is and it works. God knows what is best and what is needed. Aggressive prayer builds us in faith and works in the missions field, changing lives and turning night into day.

We see, hear, speak because of the condition of our hearts and that condition will either produce results or not based on what we are focused on. Want to receive God's Blessing? Do things God's way and you will get things in His results and you are blessed. Scripture tells us that what we give we will receive, pressed down and shaken up. Each of us that has His Spirit have been given freely and by us learning how to release His Spirit on problems, needs and situations turns everything around as long as we are seeking for His will to be done.

The norm in prayer and in missions is for those churches that do send missionaries to the field is to pray for the missionaries. Actually the truth is we often do not pray for missionaries and wonder why they are not as effective as they could be. How can we make it better? First understand His way of getting things done. If the five fold gift ministry is present, you will find His presence. Secondly, in adopting the people and the missionary it becomes personal to us. Biblically, God adopt us and if we are like Him we should adopt each other and and the unreached. It is mostly about a condition of the heart to do so or not. But if we want to end the nonsense, starvation, the very work of the devil we will understand His ways in His covenant provision and do them.

Who should pray? A better question is who wants God's blessing because they are one in the same? Did you know that if you are praying for someone in the field and for those they are trying to reach and one enters the kingdom of God you the person in prayer receives an equal reward as those in the field. Do things God's way, you get His result and provision. Do things our way and it usually does not work and we end up with little results. Here is the the key to all His blessings, "the body working in love, unity and forgiveness." It brings His love, provision and power to get the job done.

Want your church to grow, your neighborhoods change and go from problems to solutions? Do it God's way, it works every time, but it is up to us to want to do it His way. “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teachings and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer… Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” Acts 2:42-47 It works every time and you have His guarantee on it. His word and what He died for so things could get done His way, with His result.

The Prayer Partner is one of the most important people in helping establish the Kingdom of God here on earth, as they are the backbone of any ministry. Prayer partners pull down the strongholds so those sent to the mission field can accomplish what they are called to accomplish. Prayer connects the throne room of heaven to earth and a prayer partner is a partnership with Him and those in the mission field. It is the Prayer Partner that prays and intercedes for people on a local, national and on a global basis as they work to pull down the strongholds, praying for His presence, His will to be done in people(s) lives or areas, to resolve needs, and open new areas of evangelism. Prayer is key as it unlocks His will and presence because His house is a house of prayer. Those that dwell with Him will pray and seek His presence.

Prayer is a difficult job to do and stay focused on and we recognize that, but we also know that prayer is the first step to getting things turned around. If we are going to do something about starvation, crime, etc., then we as His people need to understand His ways, covenants and statutes so we can dwell with Him and He with us so we can be effective in prayer. Christians need to learn how to get serious about prayer and what prayer can do for us. We all need more of Jesus and we need to remember to invite Him in everything that we do.

The Prayer Partner is instrumental in putting an end to disease, starvation, crime, abuses and addictions, and can even put an end to war. The focus of the Prayer Partner is one of intercession and prayer. Prayer helps establish the new believer and maintains the worker in the field, Gal. 4:19. It is through prayer that we can be victorious as we reach out to a hurting world in need.

Prayer in Agreement

Prayer brings His presence with His presence His love and provision to deal with all needs in each of us in body, soul and spirit. Think for a moment of what prayer can do if we are in agreement. If any two agree and touch anything it will be done. It can change churches and communities. Everyone knows the problems that exist in most communities and we have been given the power of God to deal with all things in local communities in prayer, not just in the local church but connecting with as many as 1 million people in prayer at any given moment globally to be in agreement with as long as we seek His presence and His will done in peoples lives. Often times we do not reach out to others in need because we are not sure. However, if we are connected to 1 million in prayer for us and those we reach out to it will change lives dramatically.

The concept is simple. As we go out daily and do what we do at work or school we always hear of people that have problems or needs. All we have to ask if they would like us to pray for them and seek God's will for them. All you need to do is let us know the need by putting it on the prayer board and you will be connected to ministers and believers globally that will be praying for that person and you for His will to be done in both. THAT IS THE POWER OF GOD ON EARTH! YOU WILL SEE MIRACLES. As you see the results of prayer in changed lives, we encourage you to look on the board and pray for others seeking God's will for each one, releasing His Spirit on each person and each situation. You pray for others like yourself and others pray for you. It is how His will can be done through each of us and gives hope for us and our families. What we do for each other we do for Him. What we give we receive, pressed down and shaken together. Do you want problems to be dealt with by the hand of God? Pray and pray with others and for others in agreement. God has a way to get things done on earth, but we have to be willing to do it His way and it all starts with prayer! Working together as one body globally, those in the world will see Him and His will for them, because the body loved Him and His ways to reach all globally.

Whether you are new to prayer or not we want to work with you and help you to become everything that God has called you to do and become. Currently we are assembling a prayer package for prayer partners. A package of helps and tools designed to help you in prayer and your life and will give you a clearer understanding of how it all can come together.

We need Prayer Partners and we are looking for 1 million to pray, reaching out to 1 billion in need. If you are interested in seeing lives change and in joining a team that is making a difference, helping to establish the Kingdom of God here on earth, living by faith and not by sight, we are looking for you! The power of prayer is huge! The Time is now! Your help is needed!

Catch the Vision! Touching Heaven and Changing Earth!


Registration & Information Form

Are you interested in starting a local Prayer Hotline?

Are you interested in starting a local chapter of Ambassadors for Christ?

Are you interested in starting in becoming a part of the solution?

Would like a copy of our Prayer Planner? Click here for details

We are responsible…..

When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, We want our hand always to be there. For that we are responsible........

We are responsible both to God and each other.

"Together we can make a change, we can make a difference!"


"God gave us His Son, Spirit, Love, Direction, Purpose, Gifts, and free will. He gave us all the basic tools to either care for Him and others or care just for ourselves.

It is a choice either way, to either learn to work together to solve problems, but at the end, when it is all said and done, our true hearts will be exposed. We are given two things to do, love God and love our neighbor as ourselves.

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