Thursday, March 8, 2012

How Safe are You?

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I am safe and secure in God's powerful presence.
Security is more than knowing my doors are locked against intrusion. Security is the faith that God is greater than any threat. It is an inner assurance that I am protected and safe at all times.
In the Bible story of David and Goliath, David entered a battle that others would not. While they saw the giant as too big to fight, David saw it as too big to miss. He was secure in his faith and certain he would know what to do.
When I face what appear to be giants in my life, I do so with faith and certainty. I am protected by the power of God, illumined by the light of God, and empowered by the presence of God within me. I am divinely guided, safe and secure, every step of the way.
He made my feet like the feet of deer, and set me secure on the heights.--2 Samuel 22:34

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