Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Turning Water into Wine

Why did Jesus turn water to wine?

Jesus turned water into wine to prove that He's the source of life. Changing the water to wine offered a symbol of the new spiritual life Jesus brings from the old mortal in conversion. As Paul said in 2 Corinthians 5:17, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" Many people make a mistake here; they want to improve themselves into being worthy of God before they accept Christ. In reality, it's in accepting Jesus as Savior that God counts us worthy of entering his presence (Ephesians 2:8-9).

Jesus turned water into wine because changing one element into another symbolized marriage. It brings new life out of old; first, as the distinctive relationship between two adults; then, eventually in the children who are at once like, yet different from the parents. The miracle particularly represented Israel's relationship with God. He betrothed her to Himself in Egypt, married her to Himself at Sinai and repeatedly called her to be a faithful spiritual spouse. When she proved endlessly faithless, He called her a spiritual harlot. Finally, God divorced His corrupt bride by sending her into exile. Ezekiel's brilliant allegory is but one of many references to that relationship 16:1-63.

Jesus turned water into wine to prove that the old covenant lacked the resources to meet Israel's spiritual needs. Jesus didn't have to reference the stone pots to perform the miracle. Since they were used for ceremonial washing of people and utensils, Jesus had them filled to prove that He fulfilled and overfilled ceremonial cleansing; then had the servants draw water turned into wine from the well to illustrate that God's new life came from a different source - Christ Himself. Wherever the Old Covenant failed to meet the spiritual needs of God's people, Christ's resources flourished energetically, dynamically, and satisfyingly.

Jesus turned water into wine to illustrate the inimitable nature of God's revelation through Christ. Everything God had said through Law, Prophets, and Psalmists proved magnificent. And all who studied regaled themselves with stories of God at Sinai and before Jericho and outside Jerusalem slaying Babylonian soldiers. But God saved the best for Israel till the last revelation of himself in Christ. Indeed, no one before or since Christ bettered Him in any way.

Jesus turned water into wine to prove His real nature to the disciples. The ultimate purpose of the miracle was to reveal His Glory, with the result being faith in Him.

It's interesting that Jesus had no interest in recruiting faith in the members of the wedding party, or the steward of the feast. Even though the servants knew the provenance of the wine, Jesus didn't perform the miracle to convince them. His only interest was to reveal his true, inner being to six men-a glory that would be uncovered completely only one time in His ministry - at His transfiguration. The sign achieved its purpose, for His disciples believed in Him.

Jesus distinguished between His Glory and His hour or time (John 2:4, Matthew 26:18). The glory His disciples saw wasn't the same as the hour His mother wanted Him to reveal. His glory was His inner being revealed in miracles, teachings, claims, and example. His hour or time was His death on Calvary, though it's true that in His hour at Calvary, He revealed His true glory as God in the flesh. Paul delineated that in Colossians 2:15.

No one but He knew what His hour was, but His disciples, and all who came to believe in Him while He preached, understood that glory meant in Christ God had become a mortal. In Christ God put on a human face - a reality His appearance to John in Revelation 1:12-18 verified. The eternal, invisible God will be visible to all the redeemed in the glorified God/Man Jesus Christ. In essence then, this miracle proved more about the Someone He was than the something He did.
Note: Jesus is the Lord of All. Our faith in Jesus can make all things happen for the good. Pray with us for all the people of the world for: Peace, Love and Joy with our hope in the Power of God in Christ Jesus.


  1. Great post :-}
    Everyone talks about our Lord turning water into wine but few have any understanding of it at all, let alone this in-depth!!

  2. It is so important to know and understand who Jesus is and more importantly, who we are in relationship to Him. Jesus Christ is Lord. Thank you so much, and God Bless you in every way.

  3. For the Eucharist at my wedding, we had wine from Caanan (my parents got it on a trip to the Holy Land). We were able to share the witness of that miracle with our wedding guests. So, this bible story is very special to me. Thank you for giving me some new insight!

  4. Whidbey, thank you for this wonderful insight into your life. The spirit is a great thing. We need God to stay in involved in our lives. Love is the reason for all that Jesus did. We too must let love rule our hearts. We pray for love all over the world. Thank you so very much. God Bless for your story and life.

  5. Its nice to hear a different twist on the water into wine miracle in the Bible. I think usually it has some alohol reference put in it, but you have made it completly different...BTW your page is looking great!.

  6. Amazing how rich and diverse all these Biblical passages are. Though I do think if Jesus were living today he'd reverse the miracle, and turn wine into water.

  7. Some thought provoking ideas here, thank you. However I don't think we are given much evidence that Jesus Mother wanted Him to reveal 'His Hour'. I feel that as a caring, loving person she saw a need and simply asked Him to help, knowing well that He could. This is born out by her words: "Do as He tells you" which she said to the servants and continues to say to us today. She didn't give instruction to them herself or suggest to Jesus how He might respond to the situation. Might it not just be a perfect example of pure faith and an example for us all?

    Thank you for your helpful insights. In this week of prayer for Christian unity you might find an interesting site to visit.


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