Friday, January 22, 2010

The Power of Prayer

Dear God the Father of our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus. We humble ourselves of all sins and pray for all people to do as Your Will be done. We thank You Lord for all and each spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus. We ask in the name of Jesus to save all people as we pray for the people of Haiti and for all those who are helping in their own way.

Dear Lord, we pray for this ministry and for all of our followers in all special ways. We pray for their families and friends. We ask in Your name that they are blessed in all that they do.

Lord we love you. We praise You today for all that you have done and will do. We Glorify Thy name and blood that takes away the sins of the world. We praise Thee for Your return with all power, honor and glory for your righteousness. Lord we praise Thee for for your peace,hope,love and joy in your name. Praise God all ye land in Christ Jesus we pray for all of your power and glory, A-men.


  1. Amen!, God bless you Dr. James..

  2. You are an amazing person and continue to uplift and inspire those of us who have moments of self doubt and who fear the uncertainty of the future. Thank you for extending a virtual hand to us and keeping our minds and hearts focused even in the most difficult of times.

  3. Lord. We are so blessed to have such Angels on Earth. Lord, move them to new heights in Your name. Best us now Lord and we thank You so very much. Love, Peace and Hope shall rule our hearts. Thank you for your comments and Love.


Today is Thee Day