Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sermon: Just to Touch Jesus

Our message today by way of The Holy Spirit is The Power of Jesus, and just to touch Him.

Prayer: Dear God of all healing, we Praise and bless your Holy name. We humble ourselves of all sin. We forgive all, pray for all, and thank You for all spiritual Blessings in the healing power in Christ Jesus.

Praise God for whom all blessings flow in the name of Christ Jesus. Bless all who read these words in pure Faith, A-men.

Sermon: The Power of The Touch. As Jesus walks through the town, a woman who had been suffering with a bleeding problem for over eight years, sought out Jesus to heal him of her aliment. If she could just touch not him, but His rob she would be healed.

As a result of her indeed touching of The Robe of Jesus she was healed. Our question today is one that examines the power of Jesus and His touch?

People today need healing. We are just about sick over anything and everything in a sin sick world. We are bleeding red ink in our lives and in business and governments as well. Our family are are bleeding and suffering to do more with less.

Rudeness and evil actions fill our streets and news. What are we to do?

We need to touch Jesus and and receive his healing powers today. Jesus died on the cross for the sins of the world. God raised Him on the third day. Jesus will return soon and very soon to put an end to all evil and all problems. Jesus has the power to prepare a new Heaven and a new Earth for all those who believe in His power.

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Today is Thee Day