Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Let Go, Let God - Tuesday, August 13, 2013 | Daily Word

Let Go, Let God - Tuesday, August 13, 2013 | Daily Word

It takes courage to let go of painful memories or circumstances. I may cling to hurt or disappointment, feeling misunderstood or unloved. But although the memories may linger, God’s unconditional love is here to heal my pain.
If I need help letting go, I pray for understanding and an open heart. A world of possibilities opens when I willingly receive divine love and allow it to heal me. I release my struggle and let universal love heal my wounds. Forgiveness becomes possible. I feel whole again.
When I let the love of God become my guiding principle, I am clear, confident, and at peace. I let go of the past, and I am free.

Those who know your name put their trust in you, for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you.—Psalm 9:10

Monday, August 12, 2013

Cooperation - Monday, August 12, 2013 | Daily Word

Cooperation - Monday, August 12, 2013 | Daily Word

Today I am grounded in a spirit of cooperation. Whether at work or at home, I look for ways to be in agreement. In every discussion, I keep an open mind. I may not solve problems or settle questions in the same way as others, but I do not criticize them or take disagreements personally.
If I find myself in the minority of thought, with others preferring an answer or approach different from my own, I open to see the situation in a new light. I release any need to be right or in control. Instead, I focus on harmony and cooperation. I calmly release feelings of resistance and bless the situation and all involved. Life is a give-and-take activity. I am content as I work with others in harmony and cooperation.

How very good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity!—Psalm 133:1

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Guidance - Sunday, August 11, 2013 | Daily Word

Guidance - Sunday, August 11, 2013 | Daily Word

Today I carry these words with me as a prayer for guidance. From the hymn “I Am a Child of God,” by Naomi W. Randall: “Lead me, guide me, walk beside me, help me find the way.”
I know the spirit of God is with me, and I watch as the path ahead unfolds—one step, one insight, one turn at a time. Knowing I am never alone in my decisions, I feel adventurous and confident.
What dreams are mine to fulfill? How can I contribute to the greater good? Divinely directed and inspired, I dust off aspirations I might have previously laid aside and ask Spirit to lead and guide me to fulfillment. In every endeavor, I call on the spirit of God to help me find the way.

This is God, our God forever and ever. He will be our guide forever.—Psalm 48:14

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Prosperity - Saturday, August 10, 2013 | Daily Word

Prosperity - Saturday, August 10, 2013 | Daily Word

At times, I may think the source of my prosperity is a specific job or person. Or, I may consider my greatest asset to be a particular possession. While gratitude for these blessings boosts my sense of prosperity, other people or things are not the source of my good. In fact, nothing in the material world is the source of my supply.
As I enter the Silence, I remember that Infinite Spirit is the one true, unfailing source of my good. A consciousness of Spirit is my limitless, lifetime supply. I give heartfelt thanks for this truth, recognizing that developing my spiritual consciousness is the greatest investment I can make in expanding my spiritual and material prosperity.

If they listen, and serve him, they complete their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasantness.—Job 36:11

Friday, August 9, 2013

Our Daily Bread

Our Daily Bread
In my Father’s house are many mansions . . . . I go to prepare a place for you. —John 14:2
My dad was full of stories about his hometown. So you can imagine how excited I was as a child when he took our family there every summer. We fished the St. Joseph River together and visited his boyhood farm where all of his stories came to life. Although that place was never really myhome, whenever I visit that town—now with grown children and grandchildren of my own—it fills me with a nostalgic sense of belonging.
Jesus talked with His disciples about His home in heaven, which He left to come and live among us. What a joy it must have been for Him to tell His disciples, “In my Father’s house are many mansions . . . . I go to prepare a place for you, . . . that where I am, there you may be also” (John 14:2-3). No doubt Jesus, “who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross” (Heb. 12:2), was looking forward to returning to His heavenly home and taking His Father’s sons and daughters there to be with Him.
The thought of Jesus taking us to His Father’s home fills us with great anticipation and compels us to tell others the good news about the Son who came to rescue us from this fallen place. —Joe Stowell
Now I belong to Jesus;
Jesus belongs to me—
Not for the years of time alone,
But for eternity.
—Norman J. Clayton.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Golden Moments - Thursday, August 08, 2013 | Daily Word

Golden Moments - Thursday, August 08, 2013 | Daily Word

Just as a golden necklace is made from many small links, all perfectly interlocked, my life is formed from days, years, and decades of interconnected moments. Will these moments be forged from fear or crafted by love?
I have the God-given freedom to choose my response to people and circumstances—and I choose love. My relationships are transformed as I choose kindness instead of criticism, forgiveness instead of bitterness. When I offer others understanding instead of judgment, love prevails, and we connect heart to heart.
When I choose love, my life becomes a precious chain of golden moments.

Day by day, as they spent much time together in the temple, they broke bread at home and ate their food with glad and generous hearts.—Acts 2:46

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

World Peace - Wednesday, August 07, 2013 | Daily Word

World Peace - Wednesday, August 07, 2013 | Daily Word
An ancient sage once said that when there is peace in the person, there is peace in the family, the community, the nation, and the world. The greatest peacemakers began by finding peace within then sharing it in their community.
When I worry about the lack of peace in the world, I ask myself: Am I at peace within? Am I at peace with others? Do I need to reach out, connect, forgive? Do I make peaceful choices in my daily life? How can I effect peaceful communication and understanding in my home, work, and neighborhood?
In prayer and meditation, I find serenity. I discover ways to express peace in my life. The greatest gift I give to the world is a peaceful heart, which manifests in all I do.

Grace, mercy, and peace will be with us from God the Father and from Jesus Christ.—2 John 1:3

The Grace of God

The boundless mercy of our Redeemer! (anonymous) LISTEN to Audio! Download Audio "The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger ...