Tuesday, March 12, 2013

7 Ways to Cultivate Joy - Online Bible Study Tools

7 Ways to Cultivate Joy - Online Bible Study Tools

Want more joy in your day? Cultivate it! Joy springs from viewing the day's events from eternity's perspective. With this intentional focus, you're sure to see today differently — with more joy and conviction that God is at work in your life.
1. Rehearse with God the reasons you trust Him. Tell Him which of His attributes is your favorite right now. Read the praises of Scriptureback to Him — begin with Psalm 103. Join with another believer in prayers of thanksgiving, and delight yourself in His character.
2. Keep a "joy journal." Record the reasons you have to rejoice and the reminders of God's faithfulness that you encounter in your everyday life. In addition, why not press a leaf from your prayer walks into its pages or include a photo of a person that brings you joy each time you remember him or her? Think big — expand your journal into a "joy box" or a "joy drawer" that brings floods of joy each time you open it.
3. Surround yourself with joyful people. Joy is contagious — so build relationships with friends whose lives exhibit their confidence in God. Pray for each other that your joy in Christ would continue to increase.
4. Approach life's challenges and trials redemptively. God doesn't waste the difficult circumstances of your life but uses them to develop His character in you. Review Romans 5 andJames 1 for help in processing pressure productively. Joy will sneak up on you when you view your hardest lessons as gifts from God.
5. Make praise and gratitude a habit. Has God met a need? Praise Him! Have your challenges given you greater opportunities to see Him work? Thank Him! Joy flows from a grateful and responsive heart. Before you turn in at night, write down three to five blessings in your "joy journal." Make it a habit, and watch your joyful attitude grow.
6. Fill your mind with music. Listen to, sing, and meditate on music that draws your heart nearer to God and His Word.
7. Take the long view. Investors advise their clients not to worry about the daily ups and downs of the stock market — what matters is the long view. Does life present incredible challenges today? Are your reserves at a low, or are you enjoying a content plateau? Regardless of today's events, take the long view. Remember that God remains in charge of your days and will faithfully develop His character in you.
Remember, joy springs from viewing the day's events from eternity's perspective. Trust that God controls your life's details (Romans 8:28), that He hears your every request (Psalm 116:1), and that His joy will be your strength (Nehemiah 8:10).

Adapted from "Seven Ways to Cultivate Joy," Insights (March 2001): 2. Copyright © 2001 by Insight for Living. All rights reserved worldwide. Content provided by OnePlace.com.

Baby shot in Chicago: Father, infant daughter shot in Woodlawn as he changed diaper - chicagotribune.com

Baby shot in Chicago: Father, infant daughter shot in Woodlawn as he changed diaper - chicagotribune.com

Baby dies after she and dad shot: 'We have another tragedy in Chicago'

Comfort - Tuesday, March 12, 2013 | Daily Word

Comfort - Tuesday, March 12, 2013 | Daily Word

The people I care about show strength and faith in their daily lives. Yet we all have times of stress, sadness, anxiety or unease.
When my loved ones are grieving a loss or experiencing a change, I gently remind them that they are not alone, for within them is the strength of God. Within them is the ability to overcome any situation or setback. Within them is a resiliency greater than any challenge, for within them is divine power, providing strength and courage in times of need.
God’s comforting strength is within the people I love every moment. I remind them of this truth, and see them filled with peace and assurance.
The Lord stood by me and gave me strength.—2 Timothy 4:17

Monday, March 11, 2013

Guidance - Monday, March 11, 2013 | Daily Word

Guidance - Monday, March 11, 2013 | Daily Word

I may be sure of my desired destination—my dreams and goals—but unsure how to reach them. Rather than drifting like a ship without a rudder, hoping to eventually reach the shore, I set a clear course using the tools available.
The most powerful tool I have is prayer. Just as a ship captain uses the stars to guide him, I turn to the wisdom and inspiration of Spirit within to steer me. Divine guidance is my inner compass. I trust it and follow its direction.
I may consult trusted advisors and listen carefully to their comments. A new and unforeseen route may unfold. Inner guidance and wise counsel help me reach my destination with ease and grace.
The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your needs in parched places.—Isaiah 58:11

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Blessed - Sunday, March 10, 2013 | Daily Word

Blessed - Sunday, March 10, 2013 | Daily Word

In the moment I became an idea in Divine Mind, I was blessed. I do not have to earn my blessings; they are my birthright.
In gratitude, I open my eyes to the many blessings in my life. My Creator loves me, guides me and provides for me. When I feel weak, I find a message to strengthen me. When sorrow is a burden too heavy to carry, I realize I am not alone.
My body is a wondrous vehicle for my unique expression of Spirit, nourished by the abundance around me and healed by perfect Life within. My heart sings a song only my God can hear. No one can withhold my blessings, for they are divinely rendered. With thanksgiving in my heart, I am blessed.
Male and female he created them, and he blessed them and named them “Humankind” when they were created.—Genesis 5:2

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Caring - Saturday, March 09, 2013 | Daily Word

Caring - Saturday, March 09, 2013 | Daily Word

Today I send this message to someone who loves and supports me: Beloved, I am grateful to walk this sacred path with someone as caring as you. I feel your support through the hard times in my life as you listen with an open heart.
You are a compassionate expression of God. You see me as I truly am—not broken or diminished, but strong at my core. I feel your faith in me when you empathize and laugh with me, when you partner with me in prayer. I feel your caring nature every time you bless me with love and remind me I am not alone.
Your wise and reassuring words are encouraging. Spurred by your caring presence, I know I will not only survive, I will thrive!
Love one another deeply from the heart.—1 Peter 1:22

Friday, March 8, 2013

Divine Order - Friday, March 08, 2013 | Daily Word

Divine Order - Friday, March 08, 2013 | Daily Word

Divine Order

Counting is the first demonstration of order we learn as children, and when we count, we always begin with one. To align with divine order in my life, I begin with one—One Power, One Presence, One Spirit—God.
I turn my attention to the One Source for healing, abundance, comfort and peace. Immersed in the pure presence of Being, I am inspired to take action.
New ideas are planted in the fertile soil of my imagination. Spirit guides me to cast out what I need to release and tend what I need to nurture. With new clarity, I see what I have learned from past experiences. I trust God to reveal the wisdom of the present moment. Nothing is out of place. Just as when I count, I begin with One and all is in order.
In the beginning was the Word.—John 1:1

Happy Mother's Day