Monday, June 11, 2012

Joy - Daily Word-Dr. James A. Lee

Joy - Joy

We all strive for ideals. We all have a notion of what we want to be. But if we delay our happiness while we wait for some change or perceived improvement, we overlook much of life and its joys. If we look longingly toward a time when life will be different, we miss the unique pleasures of the present.
The greatest assurance of a joy-filled future is the cultivation of happiness now. Everystep of life’s pathway is rich and joyous. Every person, every task, every circumstance bears a blessing. To find those blessings and be glad in them is to fulfill our divine birthright.
I look to the goodness all about me, and express the full joy of living right now.
My brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of any kind, consider it nothing but joy.—James 1:2

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Belive in God-Dr. James A. Lee

Believe - 

In the book This I Believe, famous men and women in history share their personal philosophies beginning with the statement, “I believe ….” So I ask myself, What do I believe? What is important to me? It may be the love of family and friends, or the pride I take in the place I live or the work I do.
While many things are important to me, the belief I hold most dear is my belief in the power and presence of God. This is the foundation of my life. It is the place where I begin and end each day, and it sustains me.
I close my eyes for a moment of prayer. Breathing into and out of my whole body, I rest in an awareness of God’s presence. At one with God, I am soothed and strengthened, empowered and enlivened. I believe in God’s presence within me. I am at peace.
“Lord, I believe.” And he worshiped him.—John 9:38

Saturday, June 9, 2012

To Feel Better-Dr. James A. Lee

Healing - Saturday, June 09, 2012 | Daily Word

Today I devote my prayer time to the divine idea of wholeness. In the Silence, I focus on the innate power of God within. This power created me to be a living expression of a perfect idea.
Wholeness is our natural state of being, the vibrancy of God expressed through all living things. While proper medical and psychological care support our healing, wholeness is our essential nature. It comes from within. Both the idea of perfection and its capacity to become manifest are implanted within each individual.
I am at one with God. I affirm health of every kind—physical, emotional, mental and spiritual—in my life and the lives of all.
Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God? … glorify God in your body.—1 Corinthians 6:19, 20

Friday, June 8, 2012 Healing - The Real Victory in Healing Healing - The Real Victory in Healing:

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The Holy Spirit- Chapter 1. The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit- Chapter 1. The Holy Spirit:

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The Right Way-Dr. James A. Lee

Let Go, Let God - Friday, June 08, 2012 | Daily Word

Let Go, Let God
The first step in letting God direct my life is letting go of worries, concerns and frustrations. I release what I’ve been fretting over, what has consumed my thoughts and drained my energy.
As I let go of tension and allow my body and mind to relax, I feel the burden lift from my shoulders. I gently release any concern, making room for the free flow of God in my life.
I focus my thoughts on God and on the sanctuary of hope, peace, power and potential within me. I find this sanctuary as I remove the barriers I have built through personal strife. As I let go and rest in the presence of God, I am assured and at peace.
But strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.—Matthew 6:33

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Prosperity - Thursday, June 07, 2012 | Daily Word

Is anything lacking in my life that God does not supply? The answer is a resounding “No!” I have all I need to be the happy, productive person I am created to be.
Many people measure wealth in dollars and material assets. I am wealthy because the presence of God is within me.
Anytime I think there is not enough, I affirm and give thanks for all I have. Each time I pray, I gain a greater understanding of the power of God within. I reawaken to the assurance that I am complete and whole just as I am. My deepening faith brings greater confidence, strength and courage.
God’s abundant goodness fills every part of my life and blesses me in all I do.
They shall celebrate the fame of your abundant goodness. —Psalm 145:7

Happy Mother's Day