Friday, May 4, 2012

Getting it Right Dr. James A. Lee

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I immerse myself in stillness.
Where my attention goes, my energy flows. If I focus on what appears to be missing, I only feel more dissatisfied, which then spills over into other areas of my life. So instead of yearning for what I don't have and overlooking the treasures I do have, I am content with what is.
Access to stillness is one of the great gifts in my life. Using my breath to release and let go, I lean into the sanctuary of inner peace and experience deep satisfaction. All worry and tension fall away.
In the refuge of this inner space, I encounter the Divine. This is what my soul truly yearns for. The stillness fulfills the infinite promise of abiding peace.
Not that I am referring to being in need; for I have learned to be content with whatever I have.--Philippians 4:11

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Is Age Discrimination at Work a Serious Problem? - MediaBuzz

Is Age Discrimination at Work a Serious Problem? - MediaBuzz:

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Today is the National Day of Prayer

Today is the National Day of Prayer: ""And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more" Phil 1:9 NIV

    How can the church demonstrate the love of God to a sinful, loveless world? The answer: church members demonstrate God's love in the way they interact. Church members are to be known for their love and respect for others.
    To accomplish this ministry of practical compassion requires that the church have dedicated leaders whose lives reflect God's love with growing purity. They know the language that speaks God's love to the world that needs to hear it. The church touches lives every day all around the world and in our nation. Stop today to pray for our nation, your community and your church. God will do mighty things when we pray!

O God, the challenges and needs of our world are great. Make us, Your church, the instruments of Your love for the world. In Jesus' name, amen.

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A Time for Prayer Dr. James A. Lee

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I reach out in prayer to support and encourage others.
It has been said that "it takes a village to raise a child." We all benefit when we assist and support one another. I am fulfilled as I give from my heart the gifts of my time, talent and treasure, and as I support others through the power of affirmative prayer. When I pray for others, I reach out in faith and enfold them in love.
We are one in Spirit with each other, for we are all children of God. As I pray for others, I tap into our spiritual connection that joins us heart and mind. Through prayer, I am part of a "village" of people who spiritually support one another. Every time I pray, every time I give my love and encouragement, I am more aware of the living Christ Presence within us all.
This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.--John 15:12

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Our Daily Bread Dr. James A. Lee

Our Daily Bread

Walk Away From Worry

May 3, 2012

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Our Daily Bread is hosted by Les Lamborn
Be anxious for nothing. —Philippians 4:6
A few years ago, our Bible-study leader challenged us to memorize a chapter of the Bible and recite it to the group. Internally, I began to protest and groan. An entire chapter, in front of everyone? Memorization had never been my thing; I cringed as I imagined long silences while everyone watched me, waiting for the next words.
A few days later, I reluctantly leafed through my Bible, looking for a set of verses to learn by heart. Nothing seemed right until I landed in Philippians 4.
I read this verse in silence, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God” (v.6). That’s when I knew which chapter to memorize, and how to walk away from my anxiety about the assignment.
God does not want us to agonize over future events, because worry paralyzes our prayer life. The apostle Paul reminds us that instead of fretting, we should ask God for help. When we continually take this approach to anxiety, God’s peace will guard our hearts and minds (v.7).
Someone once said tongue-in-cheek, “Why pray when you can worry?” The point is clear: Worry gets us nowhere, but prayer gets us in touch with the One who can handle all of our concerns. —Jennifer Benson Schuldt
When you feel the tension mounting,
And across the busy day,
Only gloomy clouds are drifting
As you start to worry—pray! —Anon.
It’s impossible to wring our hands when they are folded before God in prayer

True Riches Dr. James A. Lee

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I open my heart to the rich blessings of Spirit.
Today I let go of thoughts of scarcity or lack and fill my entire mind with thoughts of my rich life--the life I am blessed with right now.
I open my heart to gratefulness as I count my blessings. I think of the people in my life, the places I have lived, the adventures I have enjoyed. I remember the thoughtful gifts I've received and given, and the love I've shared with friends and family. I remember times of peace-filled relaxation, exhilarating fun and deep contentment.
My list of blessings quickly grows as more and more come to mind. My joy overflows. Thank you, God, for everything in my life. I am so blessed.
Riches and honor are with me, enduring wealth and prosperity. --Proverbs 8:18

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Beautiful World Dr. James A. Lee

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I add beauty to an already beautiful world!
In some cultures people celebrate the start of May by leaving a basket of spring flowers at a neighbor's doorstep. Flowers are nature's inspiring gift to us all. Yet before a flower's outer beauty is revealed, the divine idea of inner beauty exists as potential within a tiny seed.
In much the same way, seeds of God-given potential are present within me, ready to blossom. As I live and learn and grow, my potential takes form, and my full beauty and purpose are revealed.
I set an intention this moment to fully express my inner beauty. Through prayer, I free my God-given inner qualities and allow them to blossom.
Let your adornment be the inner self with the lasting beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in God's sight.--1 Peter 3:4

The Gift for Today