Friday, February 10, 2012

We must Pray for Others

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I pray for you and see you whole and complete.

Many times during his ministry Jesus would stop and pray for others. He knew the power of the spoken word and the effect that faith has on the spirit, mind and body.

When I pray for others, I do not need to know the details. Whether the concern is for healing, guidance, divine order, safety, prosperity or any other desire, my prayer is one of affirmation and gratitude that the answer is already established. I know the spirit of Truth, the spirit of Peace, the spirit of Love touches each individual I hold in prayer.

Prayer keeps me open and receptive as a conduit for the power of God to express. What a blessing it is to pray for others!

He was praying in a certain place, and after he had finished, one of his disciples said to him, "Lord, teach us to pray."--Luke 11:1

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Christian Healing - True Healing and Why Healing - True Healing and Why: "What the world needs today more-so than yesterday is to address the real suffering that people experience? Every time I go outside I see suffering in the street. We are sick and dying because the lack of faith.

Jesus came to end suffering and to wipe away all tears. Meanwhile the public is doing its own thing and greed is taking away jobs, homes, and nations, What can be done to create the healing we need?

The real answer is vested in ones faith in our Lord and Savior. Jesus gave His life on the cross for the sins of world. Yet, greed and disbelief is having its last days. When God rose Jesus from the grave, He overcame death. Jesus will return to close this chapter of malice. God will wipe out all suffering for a true and real healing. He will end suffering and wipe away the pain and the tears."

By Dr. James A. Lee

'via Blog this'

Abounding in the Work of the Lord

Abounding in the Work of the Lord

Today on Radio

Today on Radio

Freedom is The Joy of Jesus Today

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I am free!

Through the power of divine will, I make choices in my life. My choices are influenced by divine understanding and wisdom. I am guided by the Christ within to choose my path, whether it means staying where I am or moving forward. I can pursue the dreams of my heart. I am free to live the life I choose!

I maintain a positive attitude and a cheerful heart as I create harmony in my life. Divine love erases doubt and fear and frees me to create a life of meaning. I use wisdom and strength to discern what is best for me and to release thoughts and feelings that no longer serve my good.

I am free to establish harmony in my life and to be a blessing to the world. I am free!

And you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.--John 8:32

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

True Peace Today

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I discover peace within.

Peace is the stillness at the center of a storm. Just as violent storms on the surface of a lake or ocean don't disturb the calm environment deep below, I, too, maintain peace deep within me whether times are tranquil or chaotic.

As I focus my attention on the steady rhythm of my breathing, I calm the rough seas of my anxious thoughts. Filling my mind and heart with the words "Peace, be still," I soothe any anxiety. Fixing my gaze on a thing of beauty or the light of a candle, or simply closing my eyes, I become immersed in inner peace. I gratefully connect with the deep peace within me and offer this gift of peace to the world.

I have said this to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you face persecution. But take courage; I have conquered the world!--John 16:33

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Word of Comfort from The Joy of Jesus

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I rejoice in the comfort of God's love.

I am responsible for my own happiness and peace of mind. When I relax in prayer, I feel the presence of God within and around me. I find peace in the awareness that the spirit of God, the eternal Comforter, is with me always.

Knowing I am never alone gives me strength. The assurance of ever-present help increases my joy. I take this knowledge into every part of my life. If I am paying bills, seeing a doctor, tending to a loved one, or watching the news, I am comforted by God's presence. My worries dissipate and my fears dissolve. I know that wherever I am, God is. This is the greatest comfort of all.

I will turn their mourning into joy, I will comfort them, and give them gladness for sorrow. --Jeremiah 31:13

Happy Mother's Day