The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” Dr. King drew on the power of faith to overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges. I have within me this same divine power, and I can use it to pursue my dreams.
Whether I dream of writing a book, sailing around the world, or effecting positive change in my community, I, too, must take the first step, even though “the whole staircase” may not be visible.
If fear or self-doubt arises, I go within and allow the presence of God to support me in mind, body, and spirit. One step at a time, my way is made clear. With faith, my dreams come to fruition.
Happy are those whose help is the God of Jacob … who keeps faith forever.—Psalm 146:5, 6
Living in the moment is a powerful practice; yet at times I may need to step back for a larger perspective. As I contemplate where I have been and what I have accomplished, I awaken to and appreciate the progress I have made.
I may not have reached my full potential yet, but I can appreciate every phase of my journey—past, present, and future. Each step forward deepens the meaning and purpose of my life.
I need not rush or force my progress. I am one with the One Presence—in everything that is and will be. Knowing I am divinely supported, I relax and enjoy life’s abundant opportunities to learn and grow.
I am going to send an angel in front of you, to guard you on the way and to bring you to the place that I have prepared.—Exodus 23:20
When I take on a new creative enterprise, I do so with the finished product clearly in mind. I start with a vision, make a plan, and gather the tools. I waste no energy worrying how the process will unfold. I proceed with intention and confidence. When I focus on what I am doing, the steps follow in divine order to create the results I envision.
Life is a cocreative process. At one with Spirit, I affirm a life filled with loving relationships, abundant blessings, health, and wholeness.
Monitoring my thoughts and words, I gently let any discouragement pass me by. I stay focused on my intentions, and the results unfold in divine order.
You have made the moon to mark the seasons; the sun knows its time for setting.—Psalm 104:19
Through the Christ in me, I am free from limitation. I am not bound by circumstances or victim to negative influences. I am free with the freedom of Spirit, and this is my innermost truth. I rejoice and give thanks for it.
The Christ within is freedom and liberation. If I face an undesirable situation, I do not give it power. I simply, but firmly, declare my freedom. I am an expression of the Christ. This is the truth of me.
Outward appearances have no power to hurt me, for I am centered and poised in the power of the Christ. I walk serene and unafraid, filled with faith and confidence. The source of my freedom is the unfailing power of Christ within. In this power, I rise above every limiting condition and I am free.
I hold in my heart all that is sacred, all that I love. My reverence for Spirit, life, love, and goodness lies in the sanctuary of my heart.
Consciously turning my attention to this inner realm, I find peace. Here I am comforted. Here I feel the warmth of divine love. Here I listen for the still small voice.
In the silence of this sacred space, I am attuned to the indwelling Christ Spirit. I call forth my questions and know they are answered. I call forth my dreams and know they are nurtured. I call to mind my loved ones and know God is with them always—their help in every need. All that is precious to me lives in my heart. My heart is filled with promise, peace, and love.
Mary treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart.–Luke 2:19
1After these thingsJesuswentover the sea of Galilee, which is the sea of Tiberias.2And agreatmultitudefollowedhim,because they sawhismiracleswhich he didon them that werediseased . 3AndJesus went upinto a mountain,andthere he satwithhisdisciples.4And thepassover, a feast of the Jews,wasnigh.5 When Jesusthen lifted up his eyes,andsaw a greatcompanycomeuntohim, he saithuntoPhilip,Whence shall we buybread,thatthese may eat ?6Andthis he said to provehim:for he himselfknewwhat he woulddo . 7Philipansweredhim, Twohundredpennyworth of breadisnotsufficient for them,that every one of them may takealittle.8Oneofhisdisciples,Andrew,SimonPeter'sbrother,saith unto him,9 There isaladhere,whichhathfivebarleyloaves,andtwo small fishes:butwhataretheyamong so many?10AndJesussaid , Make the men sit down .Now there wasmuchgrassin the place.So the men sat down , innumberabout five thousand.11AndJesustook the loaves;and when he had given thanks , hedistributed to the disciples,and the disciples to them that were set down ; andlikewiseof the fishesas much as they would . 12Whenthey were filled , he said unto hisdisciples,Gather up thefragments that remain , that nothingbelost .13Therefore they gathered them together , andfilledtwelvebaskets with the fragmentsof the fivebarleyloaves,which remained over and aboveunto them that had eaten . 14Then those men, when they had seen the miraclethatJesusdid ,said , Thisis of a truth that prophet that should comeinto the world.15 When Jesusthereforeperceivedthat they wouldcomeandtakehim by force , tomakehim a king, he departedagainintoa mountainhimselfalone.16Andwheneven was now come , hisdisciples went downunto thesea,17Andenteredinto a ship, and wentover the seatowardCapernaum.And it wasnowdark,andJesuswasnotcometothem.18And the seaarose by reason of a greatwind that blew . 19So when they had rowedaboutfive and twentyorthirtyfurlongs, they seeJesuswalkingon thesea,anddrawingnigh unto the ship:and they were afraid . 20But he saith unto them,It isI;benotafraid .21Then they willinglyreceivedhiminto the ship:andimmediately the shipwasat thelandwhithertheywent .