I am relaxed and present to this moment.
If I've been speeding around from place to place, task to task, project to project, Igift myself with the experience of being present in this very moment. I set aside any thoughts or concerns about what needs to be done. I relax my body and mind, freeing myself to enjoy just being. Yes, I can just be!
Awareness of the rhythmic flow of my breath ushers me into a relaxed state. I needn't do anything, just be. Whether I enjoy an extended time in the silence or just a few quick moments, I derive the blessing. I am revitalized. The benefits from my time of rest encourage me to take time every day to just be. Be quiet. Be still. Be at peace.
I give thanks for moments of pause and peace that nourish me. Renewed, I embrace the activities ahead with enthusiasm.
One does not live by bread alone.--Luke 4:4