Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Daily Word Dr. James A. Lee
I let Spirit guide me.
Today I vow to try something new. I let Spirit take the reins of my life and show me the way to go. Centering myself in the spirit of God within me, I ask, "What is mine to do?" I listen to the wisdom that comes to my heart and mind. This is the still small voice of Spirit. I trust the wisdom I receive, take action and do what feels right and good.
At the end of the day, I reflect with gratitude on the insight I received. How were my actions different today? How does it feel to trust in Spirit's inner wisdom?
More and more, I let go of my need to control. I open myself to God and ask for more answers. I listen and take action. I let Spirit guide me in all I do.
Let the Lord your God show us where we should go and what we should do.--Jeremiah 42:3"
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Monday, November 21, 2011
Why Did Jesus Teach in Parables? - Parables
Why Did Jesus Teach in Parables?
Alfred Edersheim
Compared to His earlier teaching during the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus's turn to parables might seem odd. He'd used clear instruction to teach His followers how to live and about the Kingdom of God, and He'd exhibited the Kingdom in a tangible way through His miracles. But suddenly, when the crowds come to hear Him, He hops into a boat and speaks in parables, stories about sowing seeds and gathering wheat (Matthew 13).
When the disciples ask Him why, since they obviously noticed the change, His answer may seem even more astonishing: "To you it has been granted to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven, but to them it has not been granted" (Matthew 13:11). In other words, the parables are meant to divide the crowd. While this may seem as if Jesus denied some people access, the difference He means is not in the message—but in the response.
The parables themselves present clear stories from everyday events that many in the crowd would recognize. Jesus did not code His teaching to prevent some people from understanding, since all equally would understand the imagery. All those gathered there certainly comprehended the aspects of the stories related to their everyday lives. Instead, His teaching divided the listeners into two groups based on their own responses.
His miracles had attracted many, and others had perhaps been astonished by His earlier teaching. But the parables themselves, just as in the story of the seed falling on various places (Matthew 13:3-9), revealed the true nature of their responses and their real decisions. Those committed to the Kingdom of God would seek and find further understanding. But those uncommitted—perhaps listening only because of the initial excitement—would reject the teaching as unintelligible.
Adapted from The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah by Alfred Edersheim (Book III, Chapter XXIII).
Daily Word Dr. James A. Lee
My family is a blessing to me.
My family is a unique, living organism that can be a place of great belonging. It may be happy and harmonious or it may be challenging. Whatever the current dynamic, I remain open and willing to love unconditionally.
The presence of God is at the heart of our household. If there is disharmony or strife, I bring my concerns to prayer. I acknowledge my role and call upon divine wisdom to guide me. I act in wise ways with love and understanding.
Even when I do not understand everyone's actions or attitudes, I can see my family members as children of God, expressions of God's love. When I take on this awareness, I feel our connection with one another expand.
I will be the God of all the families.--Jeremiah 31:1"
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Sunday, November 20, 2011
Home | Daily Word Dr. James A. Lee
My inspired ideas grow to fruition in divine order.
Each year as our planet travels around the sun, the changing seasons bring an orderly process of renewal and growth. A farmer doesn't plant seeds in the frozen winter ground, but rather, recognizes and works in harmony with the order of God's creation.
Likewise, there is an orderly process of creation in my life. In the silence, I open to inspiration and seeds of divine ideas are planted in me. I take inspired action, sowing my ideas and patiently awaiting their growth. In their season, my ideas spring into manifestation and I feel the joy of co-creation. Just as a farmer trusts in order when planting seeds, I hold to my faith and watch as my inspired ideas grow to fruition in divine order.
On the mountain height of Israel I will plant it, in order that it may produce boughs and bear fruit, and become a noble cedar.--Ezekiel 17:23"
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A Message of Love from The Joy of Jesus
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Home | Daily Word Dr. James A. Lee
I contribute to a world where peace prevails.
Because I value peace, I release my attachment to how others should be or act. I have faith in Divine Love moving in and through me to guide my relationships. I am at peace within and I share that peace by loving those around me. As love ripples from me into the world, more people than I can possibly imagine are affected.
In 1971 John Lennon wrote "Imagine," a song that expressed his dream of world peace: Imagine all the people / Living life in peace ... You may say I'm a dreamer / But I'm not the only one / I hope someday you'll join us / And the world will be as one.
I join in holding this vision of peace for the world, because I have experienced the peace of God within me.
Let us then pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding.--Romans 14:19"
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