Thursday, April 12, 2012

Are You Looking for Peace

Home | Daily Word

I am relaxed and present to this moment.
If I've been speeding around from place to place, task to task, project to project, Igift myself with the experience of being present in this very moment. I set aside any thoughts or concerns about what needs to be done. I relax my body and mind, freeing myself to enjoy just being. Yes, I can just be!
Awareness of the rhythmic flow of my breath ushers me into a relaxed state. I needn't do anything, just be. Whether I enjoy an extended time in the silence or just a few quick moments, I derive the blessing. I am revitalized. The benefits from my time of rest encourage me to take time every day to just be. Be quiet. Be still. Be at peace.
I give thanks for moments of pause and peace that nourish me. Renewed, I embrace the activities ahead with enthusiasm.
One does not live by bread alone.--Luke 4:4

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Acts 3; Deuteronomy 17; Deuteronomy 18; Job 12 - New International Version - NIV - Online Bible Study

Acts 3; Deuteronomy 17; Deuteronomy 18; Job 12 - New International Version - NIV - Online Bible Study:

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Doing Well

Home | Daily Word

I am well in mind, body and spirit.
As I focus on wellness--whether mental, physical or spiritual--I become healthier in every area of my life.
Affirmations of Truth promote my mental well-being. I affirm: I am wise with the wisdom of Spirit. I am guided by the light of God. I am one with Divine Mind. I am well.
To care for my physical body, I get adequate rest, eat healthy food and keep my body moving with vigor and enthusiasm. My actions are expressions of faith. I am one with Divine Life. I am strong and I am well.
Prayer and meditation nurture my spiritual health. In the silence, I listen for instruction and guidance. I experience the total well-being that flows from God's presence in me. I am well in mind, body and spirit.
He said to her, "Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace."--Luke 8:48

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Think about God

Home | Daily Word: "DIVINE MIND
I am one with Divine Mind, the essence of all that is.
Unity co-founder Charles Fillmore said Divine Mind is "the one and only reality," and the mind of an individual can be one with Divine Mind. Everything that exists and everything I experience--the past, the future and the present moment--are aspects of the infinite mind of God.

In prayer, I connect with Divine Mind and listen deeply, opening my mind and heart to what will enlighten, guide and inspire me. If an idea comes to me, prayer and meditation allow me to explore the idea and discern its wisdom. By learning to listen deeply and consciously, I connect with the essence of all that is, the full perfection of the universe.

I give thanks for the presence of Divine Mind within me and within all creation.

Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light.--Genesis 1:3"

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Monday, April 9, 2012

The Monday After Easter - Dr. James Emery White Christian Blog

The Monday After Easter - Dr. James Emery White Christian Blog:

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Did Jesus Die for the Whole Universe? Breaking News Headlines and Current Events -

Did Jesus Die for the Whole Universe? Breaking News Headlines and Current Events -

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To be Blessed

Home | Daily Word: "PRAY FOR OTHERS
Placing my faith in God, I pray for the highest good for all.
I pray knowing God is active in all people; God is their help in every need. When a family member or friend requests prayer, I affirm their highest good and entrust the outcome to God. I focus on divine ideas of wholeness, abundance, peace and guidance--the truth of their being. I release worry and fear, replacing them with positive affirmations and images, and the assurance of answered prayer.

Similarly, when I pray for people around the world, I turn my attention from reports of dysfunction and disorder. I charge my creative thoughts with positive energy and loving-kindness. I hold a vision of abundance, peace and health for all people. Placing my faith in God, I pray for the highest good for all.

I am grateful to God ... when I remember you constantly in my prayers night and day.--2 Timothy 1:3"

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