Monday, January 30, 2012

The Gift from God for You

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With gratitude, I remember the gift of God's grace.

As I go about my day's activities, I can sometimes get preoccupied by tasks and to-do lists. Or I may become distracted by turmoil in a close relationship or a personal conflict. I may forget the bigger picture and the gift of divine love.

God's love and grace are present in my life even when I am not paying attention. If I make a choice that isn't in my best interest, God's grace protects me from experiencing the worst possible outcome. Through God's grace, unexpected opportunities and unforeseen blessings come my way.

God's powerful and constant love supports my spiritual growth and unfolding. I acknowledge the many ways grace demonstrates in my life, and I am grateful.

But each of us was given grace according to the measure of Christ's gift.--Ephesians 4:7

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